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Setup Gladys 4 RC Distribution process-开源项目-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25
REPOSITORY TAG DIGEST IMAGE ID CREATED SIZEgladysassistant/gladys none sha256:9e0a334d785c59ac46da1d1150e1392814d76687d600b33299a0c9c2f8eb35e3 2536dcb55c96 42 hours ago 433MBgladysassistant/gladys latest sha256:b37c86adbce1447124c588946c5b3d4d0b0dd284b1c7f196d9f622eb11e63e56 afc020f61782 42 hours ago 417MBgladysassistant/gladys v4 sha256:b37c86adbce1447124c588946c5b3d4d0b0dd284b1c7f196d9f622eb11e63e56 afc020f61782 42 hours ago 417MBcontainrrr/watchtower armhf-latest sha256:d93d72542f241a8f3411b66f5c9d9ab5fd3386af48f0b156bcd400d3a62e9d33 84378f5d38aa 3 months ago 13.3MB /none

Latest image is not pulled , I suggest to wait next build and then inspect

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\"weixin_39559804\" weixin_39559804 3月前

Mmm sorry it s not running anymore :/

But I checked the sha-256 of the image started, and it was not the sha-256 of any image on Docker hub (couldn t find which image it was on Docker hub)

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\"weixin_39541189\" weixin_39541189 3月前

it pulled the wrong image, not in the right architecture.

Can you docker inspect pulled image please ?

I will install your image for testing

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\"weixin_39559804\" weixin_39559804 3月前

Ok, let me explain. I did on my Raspberry Pi v1 (ARMv6)

docker pull gladysassistant/gladys:v4

And it didn t work, it pulled the wrong image, not in the right architecture.

I guess it s because it can t choose with the manifest and picked the amd64 one by default.

Maybe I misunderstood what the manifest does?

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\"weixin_39541189\" weixin_39541189 3月前

I didn t use the gladysassistant/gladys:v4 without -arm because the manifest part is still an experimental feature and I don t want to enable experimental features on a prod environnement.

Maybe I misunderstood but the command docker manifest is experimental , not the builded/tagged image

gladys:v4 gladys:v4-arm , in 2 cases you are using manifest , this is not the tag that define arch but the annotate command.


To illustrate i can easily use this command to annotate the manifestdocker manifest annotate $DOCKERHUB_REPO:$CIRCLE_TAG $DOCKERHUB_REPO:$CIRCLE_TAG-amd64 --os linux --arch arm --variant v6;

amd64 tag for arm arch

In your example , with the gladysassistant/gladys:v4-arm tag , manifest is still checked because it exist ( via docker run )

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\"weixin_39559804\" weixin_39559804 3月前

Image Raspbian built with all new parameters (expand filesystem, new docker run, unattended upgrade)

The command I used to start gladys is:

docker run -d \\--log-opt max-size 10m \\--restart always \\--privileged \\--network host \\--name gladys \\-e NODE_ENV production \\-e SERVER_PORT 80 \\-e TZ Europe/Paris \\-e SQLITE_FILE_PATH /var/lib/gladysassistant/gladys-production.db \\-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \\-v /var/lib/gladysassistant:/var/lib/gladysassistant \\-v /dev:/dev \\gladysassistant/gladys:v4-arm

I didn t use the gladysassistant/gladys:v4 without -arm because the manifest part is still an experimental feature and I don t want to enable experimental features on a prod environnement.

You can download the image here: https://github.com/GladysAssistant/Gladys/releases/download/v4.0.0-beta.15/gladys-v4-rev1.img.zip

Let me know if you have feedbacks :)

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本文链接: http://rcdistribution.immuno-online.com/view-737402.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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